is an international owner-managed company based in Switzerland, and serves the most significant museums with the highest expectations. zetcom has set the standard for powerful collection and museum management systems for nearly 20 years. zetcom products and services are designed to meet the multifaceted tasks of museums, galleries and cultural heritage institutions all over the world. Since 1998 zetcom success has been based on their growing team of more than 50 highly skilled and motivated employees. And since 2010 zetcom offers a web-based line of collection and foundation management products, featuring Rich Internet Architecture (RIA) technology. zetcom main objective consists in continuously improving our collections, museums and foundations management solutions. zetcom supports a community of 750+ museums in over 27 countries with offices in the US, Europe and Singapore. For more information, please visit the Company's Web site at www.zetcom.com.
Since 2004, iGINE partnered zetcom to provide customized Museum Enterprise Resources Planning software and tools to the National Heritage Board and Museums in Singapore and the Asia Pacific region. Together, we have delivered and commissioned a defacto Museum Inventory Management System used by the Singapore government. The system is deployed by the National Heritage Board, used by HQ senior management, and mainstream museums such as Asian Civilisations Museum (ACM), the National Museum of Singapore (NMS), The Peranakan Museum, Singapore Art Museum (SAM), Singapore Philatelic Museum and Heritage Conservation Centre (HCC) for collection, conservation and inventory management. For 12 years, iGINE has attained the sole distributorship for MuseumPlus in Asia Pacific and remains as a loyal partner of zetcom. Together we complement each other, created successful deployments and help grow to be the leading museum collection system solution provider in this part of the world.
We have the know-how and full solution in meeting public and private museums, galleries and collectors needs. We maintained excellent track records with the all clients on MuseumPlus/eMuseumPlus/MuseumPlus RIA/ArtPlus, We serviced many other accounts and projects such as for Singapore Tourism Board (STB), the Singapore Sports Councils (SSC) and The National Arts Gallery of Singapore (NGS). We have project managed and successfully delivered numerous turn-key projects, upgrades and customization, and rendered support and operations in providing Software-as-a-Service.