With Channel Visibility, manufacturers are able to automate the
process of data collection from partners worldwide. The frequency
of collection can be increased to daily or near real time. By increasing
the frequency of data collection and monitoring critical channel
health indicators, manufacturers will be able to derive the following
- React faster to market demands.
- Ensure healthy channel behavior by rewarding and compensating
sales effort based on actual sell-through rather than sell-in
- Reduce overstocking of non-moving items in the channel to generate
profit and improve cash flow.
- Improve sales forecast accuracy that leads to reduction of
logistic cost and plant utilization.
- Better inventory management with a clear view of demand downstream
in the distribution chain, smoothen production planning, reduce
returns and save inventory holding costs.
- Exert Control and Instill Discipline in the Data Submission
Process and measure the Timeliness and Accuracy of Submitted Data
- Obtain Channel Business Analytics and Partner Performance Indices
Visibility Channel
Profiling Channel
Programs Channel
Data Consolidation Performance
Review and Incentive Management Partner
Exchange Network Channel
Visibility Benefits White